Patricia Majano
The following poem was first drafted at 18 Springs in February 2022 as an assignment during ‘Social Justice & ME: a five-week series with Dr. Fran Bates Oates’. As a "living bio" of sorts, I have updated it to make it relevant to the present moment [as of April 2023].
I AM Patricia Majano
Born and raised in Los Angeles, California
Land of the Chumash, the Tongva, and the Kizh [Keech]
I was created by Gregoria Cruz
Born in Usulután, El Salvador
Land of Los Lenca
And Jubenal Guillén
Born in Guanajuato, Mexico
Land of Los Guamares
I AM sacrifice
I AM mystery
I AM displacement
I am my ancestors love, wisdom and struggle
I AM Earth
I AM grounded
I AM patience
I AM abundance
I am my mother’s stable and nourishing touch, when dad leaves and starts a new family
I AM Maiden
I AM joy
I AM playful
I AM sweet
I am Sunday afternoons at the park with my family
I AM Fire
I AM adventure
I AM passion
I AM fierce
I am a survival instructor and a catcher/launcher of aircraft off aircraft carriers in the US Navy
I AM Mother
I AM tender
I AM compassion
I AM grace
I am my mother’s primary caregiver when Lewy Body dementia decides to visit our lives
I AM Water
I AM emotion [the whole spectrum of emotions]
I AM yielding
I AM embracing
I am a student, a teacher, a bodyworker, a partner in healing and a lover of life... and death
I AM Crone
I AM wise
I AM multi-dimensional
I AM whole
Yo soy el legado de mi mamá, de mis abuelas y mis antepasados.
I am my mother’s, my grandmothers’ and my ancestor's legacy
I AM Air
I AM light
I AM movement
I AM expressive
I am breathing gently, deeply and slowly as I confidently step into a new season in the wheel of the year/life
I AM Community Engagement
I AM connection
I AM reciprocity
I AM unity
I am wholeheartedly embodying social justice and devoted to Individual/Collective healing, care, growth and wellbeing
I AM Ether
I AM spacious
I AM stillness
I AM boundless
I am magickal, a vibrational being and a holistic alchemist
I AM a flower in bloom
I AM love
I AM harmony
I AM sacred
I am currently planted in Winston-Salem, North Carolina land of the Cheraw, Saponi, Tutelo, Saxapahaw, and Shakori
If you're interested in Patricia's "bodywork for mental-emotional health and holistic wellbeing" visit https://holabeloved.com/ for more information or email her at connect@holabeloved.com